Sprite Sheet Layout
Normally an animation is saved using a special file type that actually supports multiple frames.Additionally it is useful to have all animation frames put together into a single image file as sprite sheet looking like this:

To save an animation as such an image file you just have to select the file type PNG - Sprite Sheet or BMP - Sprite Sheet from within the "Save Animation as..." dialog.
Then you may select the number of frames that are stored vertically as Rows:

The number of frames of the animation must be a multiple of the number of rows you select. This is required to completely fill the image with frames.
You have an animation of 15 frames then you may select
1 row = 15 frames in a single row
3 rows= 3 rows with 5 frames each
5 rows= 5 rows with three frames each.
Related topics
Menu AnimationMenu File
Sprite Sheets
Technical Information
Last modified: 29 January 2023